Friday, May 22, 2015

The price of freedom is death

Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. Behind the color of his skin, he kept a tragedy: his grandmother from her mother became pregnant after being raped by a white man who was never arrested. The fourth of eight children of a housewife Louise and Earl Little pastor of the Baptist church, Malcolm learned that racism was even before pronouncing the first word. In 1926, the family had to move after members of the Black Legion, a kind of local version of the Ku Klux Klan set fire in the family home. The attack was a reprisal to the Earl of sermons for the rights of blacks.

Muslim, black and revolutionary, he preached armed struggle against white Americans. Then quarreled with his old mentors, she used the ideology of socialism and adopted a less racist speech. He ended up dead with 14 shots in a crime that remains unsolved.

Was in jail in 1947, he heard for the first time the Nation of Islam. Wilfred, his older brother had joined the religion and taken with each of the Little. Were family letters that had the Red that "natural religion for black men", as Wilfred wrote in a letter to his brother. But it was the Elijah Muhammad texts, Nation of Islam leader, who turned Red. Elijah said that God was black and was called Allah. "The American Negro must be re-educated. Islam will give him the qualifications to be proud and not ashamed to be called black. "In his racist and segregationist discourse, Elijah defended separate countries for whites (" the demons of mankind ") and for black or african-American as preferred.

He didt agree with the pacifist ideas of Martin Luther King, for he said that whites did not speak the language of peace, then he should speak the same language. For these reasons Malcom has always been an advocate of armed struggle.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Up Helly Aa, the Viking Fire Festival in Scotland!

Hello everyone! I would like to share with you a very interesting topic about a huge Scottish celebration not widely known for us, called “Up Helly Aa”.

Up Helly Aa is a traditional fire (yes, fire!) festival that originated in the 1880s in the Shetland town of Lerwick, Scotland. Since then, the festival has been an annual occurrence for centuries, taking place on the last days of January.

But where did this remarkable practice come from?...

Marking the end of Christmas and New Year, this carnival is a celebration about Shetland history based in an older Yule tradition of tar barreling, when squads of young men dragging barrels of burning tar through town on sledges, making disasters and mischiefs. Over the years, the tradition became more and more elaborate, introducing Viking themes, music, dances, torch processions and a replica of a Viking Galley to be burned!

Today the Up Helly Aa every year show us how a thousand of streetlights are off and the streets shrouded in darkness when nearly a thousand torches are simultaneously lit and the procession sets off for the site where the Viking galley is then burned. Can you imagine that magical picture?

But before that, all squads (each about 20 men) spend the whole night visiting twelve festival halls. They present a dance routine or other specially rehearsed act for the hall’s community host group, dance with one of the host ladies then leave.

Honestly I think the interesting and awesome fact here is that the Scottish people can see how around 900 costumed "guizers", complete with winged helmets, sheepskins and axes and shields, goes to the streets to recreate the town's ancient past.

They can revive their history every year giving to the people a deep sense of belonging and make a very realistic travel to their roots.

I leave with you a video, enjoy it! :)...

Groundskeeper Willie Wants an Independent Scotland, but he might end up losing the war.

When you meet someone from the UK you commonly call them “British”. But if this person comes from Scotland, he will tell you “I’m not British”.

This is because its thousand-year relashionship with england is based on resentments from all the wars they have been in. The first one, for example, started when the English king Edward I invaded Scotland, beginning with this the figure of the national hero William Wallace (Yes, the one from the movie.)

Ever since then, Scotland has had a nationalist, independent feeling, but what they don’t know is that separating from the UK might be even worse than being part of it.

Here are four reasons that the blind, nationalist eyes of Willie don’t see when talking about Independence:

1.      What currency should they use?
Independence would force them to change their currency, which might affect their economy, exposing the contributors to the financial risks of being a foreigner country to the UK.
2.    Will they form part of the European Union as an independent country?
This would mean having to convince the other 28 members of the EU and then arguing with OTAN and ONU.
       3. Scotch oil in English territory?
Scotch nationalists claim that more than 80% of the oil reserves in Great Britain belong to them, just because they are inside Scotland’s sea borders. The big question is: Will England allow this? Without the oil, they would lose the most of their income.
       4.      Will they have their own army?
Scotland is the hangar of all the nuclear submarines of the UK. If Scotland becomes an independent country, they must manage a self-sufficient fiscal system and a consistent public expenses, assuming new responsibilities that go from the creation of its own army to the handover of specific passports.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The hero’s home is in Canada

As we all know, the man of red cheeks, full beard, red clothes and black leather boots works so hard all the year to give presents to children who have had a good behavior all year around the world, but what about holidays Santa Claus? Well… this important man for many has got his summer home more than 50 years ago on Canada, it is located in the town of Val-David, to an hour from Montreal (Canada), called "Village du Père Noël".

It was always said that he is a good man and he likes to share with others, this is right because anyone can visit his residence, where you will find snow games, sleds, water activities, outdoor play areas, farm animals, candy canes, magic shows and meet the hero, Mrs. Claus, his reindeer and elves in person and more!

Remember that Santa Claus is watching us all year to know if we are part of the list of good or bad children. If we are good he will give us beautiful gifts that he makes in his factory with the help of his faithful elves, but if we are bad he will give us a piece of coal. You don't want that, do you?

Be a good children and do not forget to write your letter to Santa Claus!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Greyfriars Bobby"

The story begins in 1850, when John Gray and his family arrived to Edinburgh. John was a gardener, but he could not get a job, so he joined to the Edinburgh Police Force as a night watchman with his dog called Bobby, in this way he was never alone. With the passing of the time, John and Bobby became in a popular team of working. Through thick and thin, they always were together everywhere. They were the best friends of the world.

But one day John got ill of tuberculosis, a disease that can be cured, but he couldn't endure, causing his death on the 15th February 1858. Bobby didn't understand the situation, so when the people carried the coffin to the "Greyfriars Cemetery", the dog accompanied its owner, as it always did, and also listened all the ceremony until the burial. Bobby decided continue faithfull to its master, and remained in his grave despite to the inclemency the weather. Nobody could get it out of the cemetery. 

Bobby’s fame spread throughout Edinburgh. The people would gather waiting for the one o'clock gun that would signal the appearance of Bobby leaving the grave for its midday meal, where its owner taught it. In 1867 Sir William Chambers (The Lord Provost of Edinburgh) decided to pay Bobby's licence (to save it from the dog pound) and presented him with a collar with a brass inscription "Greyfriars Bobby from the Lord Provost 1867 licensed". 

After fourteen years (in 1872) Bobby died in the tomb of its friend John.
In my opinion this is the best proof of love and loyalty. I don't understand when the people say "the animals doesn't feel nothing". Sometimes animals have more feelings than the humans.